Thursday, February 14, 2013

JDM Tyte, Japanese Cars, Awesome Sauce

This blog is here for all you JDM lovers. Ricing out your whip, subs in da back and anything from your moms Toyota to your dream car (the GTR). Everything will be here including news on cars, mods and specs, how to pimp out your ride and even some sweet tips on how to drive like the pro's. Keep on comin' down and you'll be the best in the biz in no time. Keep reading week by week for up to date info and safe driving to all for JDM Tyte.



  1. my name is Red, and I like to "pimp" my trailer. I am looking for a dukes of hazard theme, y'all gonna help a hick out?

    1. Red (Foreman???), trailers are not our specialty but we have some admins in the south that can help you out. If your looking to be thrifty (which we assume you are) a paint job and some confederate flags to start, should`nt be more than 50 bucks at the corner store. Next bring over that nice used V8 (free, you own the scrapyard) and slap `er in that baby. Finally get some good ol`crap suspension (100-500 bucks) and loosen your hubcaps so when you go over bumps it`ll spin off all cool like.
      That`s how you pimp your trailer for under 500 bucks, now go buck wild Red.

  2. were do you get off calling me thrifty? Just cuz they took my job dont mean I want some thrifty &$%# on ma trailer. SCrew you sir, I am going home.

    1. Sorry about the confusion, here in Japan being thrifty is not an insult but rather a compliment. We here at JDM Tyte were assuming you did not want to spend unneeded amounts of money on items and parts you can get for cheap. If you are looking to spend lots of money and get quality stuff we can help you out there as well. As for you going home that is ok with us, we hope you continue your relationship with us at home as well.

  3. I was just wondering, if maybe, one day, you guys could post something about drifting. I am from Kansas, and I enjoy the occasional drifty drift. I would appreciate an instructional video, or just a written description on how to properly drift. I am, of course, a fellow Japanese car lover. Currently driving my 1994 Honda Odyssey: its got 345k on it, but with 140 hp under the hood this baby roars.

    Any help would be appreciated :)

    1. Any vehicle can drift/powerslide. We are assuming your vehicle is FWD meaning you will either need snow or water to slide on. All your going to need to do in this weather is get some speed (not faster than 200km or your going to flip your car) turn the wheel sharply in the direction you want to go and pop that e-brake. If you have a pedal e-brake you need to be careful because after your drift you need to pop it back off.
      Check out this video, as you can see it is very possible.
      Thanks for the questions Ginderjoot, and that roar under the hood is van power baby. Always remember with great power comes great responsibility.

    2. Ladies and Gentlemen the Honda Odyssey!

  4. Replies
    1. Us too Danial! We appreciate your input, for the first like to page we are prepare to offer you any car you like (must be from the JDM category) under $500,000. So choose wisely Danial and let us know!


  6. Cool video Red, but we am not entirely sure what relevance it has to our blog. Maybe you are looking for the south park blog spot, or in fact an unemployment blog spot. Either way we wish you luck in pimping out that trailer of yours and finding what is right for you.
